Summer 2017, Sculpture in Garden, Mass. 6’ width x 6’ height x 3’ 2” depth, Cast Acrylic, Several Colors. © Robert Schechter 2017
Good Purpose Gallery. Lee, MA 2015. Photos of Opening.
Digital Art by Robert Schechter (Photoshop, Illustrator and Scanned Art)
Good Purpose Gallery. Lee, MA 2015
Group Show”Idols and Icons”, New Marlborough Meeting House Gallery, New Marlborough MA
Group Show “40: The Anniversary Exhibition”, Hal Bromm Gallery, NY
40: The Anniversary Exhibition celebrates the Hal Bromm Gallery’s fortieth anniversary. For this landmark exhibition, the gallery brings together work by over one hundred and thirty artists, many of whom have had long-standing relationships with the gallery throughout its rich history.
I like the message in your art billboards. I can see there is some connection between your message and the environment. Maybe you could do a couple of art pieces about nature conservation or protecting the environment. Some people say nature is a kind of pure art.
These pieces feel like a ray of sunshine – bursting forth with color that washes over you and can’t help but make you smile, all of which is sorely needed in the hospital corridors and waiting rooms where many of these pieces are wonderfully displayed. I do feel like I am “dreaming with eyes wide open”.. and a great dream at that.